your place to serve

Charitable nonprofits feed, heal, shelter, inspire, nurture, educate, equip, and empower people of every age, race and socioeconomic status in communities coast-to-coast, border-to-border, and all over the world. Nonprofits meet physical needs, unlock human strength and dignity, elevate communities, foster civic engagement and leadership, drive economic growth, and strengthen the fabric of society. They provide food for the hungry, backpacks with school supplies for underprivileged children, life-saving trauma care for victims of auto accidents, or critical aid to survivors of natural and manmade disasters. Most nonprofits accomplish their mission because of the engagement, leadership and service of volunteers.

Find a cause. Get connected. Make an impact.

Volunteering is one of the most important, meaningful and beneficial things anyone can do. Our ability to provide our time and expertise can make an immense difference in the world around us and in the communities where we live. In the Springfield Metro Area there are 2,770 nonprofit organizations. Identify a nonprofit you are passionate about, get connected, and find your place to serve and help that organization be successful at making a difference; it will change your life as much as—or more than—those you serve.

Here are some local nonprofits to explore:

To learn more about Springfield area nonprofits visit Cause IQ.

Check out Our Causes |&| together CAMPAIGN to learn about the amazing nonprofits we support and how we do it.

Financial support best practice

When you decide to financially support a nonprofit organization, it’s a good idea to look at how watchdogs like and rate a nonprofit’s financial transparency and accountability. Integrity and openness in financial practices should always be a high priority for a nonprofit and will give you assurance that your donation will be used to its fullest potential.

Additional resources: and Forbes America’s Top 100 Charities.